Tag Archives: bones

Why One Food May Not Be Best For Your Dog

Choose a dog food that is best for your dog by careful trial and error, and expert guidance from your vet.  Sometimes, an illness will begin you on a new path to a new food; but often that can be disastrous and really difficult.  The only time you should try a new food, is when you are feeding a dog food that is full of non-organic ingredients, corn meal, bones, chicken feathers, beef organs like digestive tissues, or grains like rice.  Dogs do not do so well over time with food that is offered each and every day, and does not give them vitamins and minerals that they need to be healthy and sound.  They need essential fatty oils, and they need fresh and safe food stocks.  Best for your dog practices of feeding organic, holistic food, and a single protein that offers the right kind of carbohydrate is key.

Lose Weight Will Be Best For Your Dog

super dog foodEven with all the change on your dog food choice, you might find a great dog food that allows good nutrition and value for your budget; but it makes your dog fat!  What is a pet parent to do?  I recommend you watch the amount you feed your dog, and do continue on with the good new choice.  A small dog should be fed less than is advised, often try for at least 1/4 of what you normally feed, and be sure to at least break up the meal into two feedings.  If you can, breakfast, lunch and dinner is best for all dogs.  This can be difficult for working pet owners, but you can try an automatic feeder, or a pet walker to add a step after the walk, with a covered bowl ready to go on the counter.

Choose to Be Best for your Dog with No Treats

Extra feedings, and great dog food made of blueberries, real chicken, real beef, salmon, or a good carbohydrate like beans or oats can be heavy, and you don’t need to treat your dog. Make a special effort to bake for your dogs, and make best for your dog choices by a little more effort. Sometimes, just adding a little more effort to your dog feeding routine, will bring great value for your dog’s health.  It can be as simple as not adding any people food.  Or, even better, try to improve your diet too, by eating fresher foods like fruits and vegetables, and not processed or preserved foods.  Learn to shop on the outside of the store, and eat from the produce isles.

Keeping treats away from your dog will be a best for your dog practice that will allow you to continue with feeding great dog food alone.  With some day to day persistence, you can find great value with this continued habit, and your dog will flourish.  The ability for your dog to overcome allergies, stomach issues, and constant fatigue, and joint issues will gradually improve.  With this too, if your dog is suffering from any eye, ear or teeth issues, the lack of sugar and poor carbohydrate will improve these problems.  Remember, sugar and easy carbs that convert to sugar easily like corn, create an easy way for cancer cells to grow in tissues and digestive environments your dog produces.

Best for your dog practices are often about simple changes each day, and with one direct change to food, and nutrition you will be closer to better health.

Dog Food Essentials for Healthy Dogs

Dogs are very sensitive to chemicals and additives, so a way to a good start understanding what dog food essentials are necessary for healthy dogs, will be what constitutes good dog food.  Good dog food supplies nutrition, and a clean base of holistic health, without chemicals and unnecessary calories.  If your dog is overweight, you may want to consider a 100% raw dog food, for a healthy coat, good weight control, and strong healthy bones and teeth.

Dog Food Essentials Begins with Nutrition

All dog food offers some form of nutrition, but few are offering the right blend for your dog, without many chemicals and preservatives.  One way to tell if you can find the right benefits from your dog food for your dogs, is by looking for the words by product,corn,sugars,fillers or rice.  It is well documented that corn is a very bad filler for dogs, and offers no nutrition for your best friend.  Puppies to dogs do not digest corn, so removing this one item will guarantee better dog food, and it is a dog food essential.

Dog Food Essentials Offer Vitamins and Minerals

Great Dog Food Essentials Starts with Knowledge

If your dog food is full of omega 3 for dogs, offers no preservatives, provides omega 6 supplements in the base of the food, you are going to be offering great dog food to your dog.  Vitamins like B, B6, B12 and C are great vitamins and minerals for your dog.  Dogs need vitamin C just like people do, and often times, a dog who suffers from allergies or has a problem digestive system, is not getting enough vitamin C.

Along with Vitamin C, Vitamins A, Beta Caro-dine, Vitamin E and Selenium offer great immune system support, and bring other minerals like calcium to bones and necessary anti-inflammatory properties to the skin.  Without these great nutrition boosters, your dog will have more problems with toxins and chemicals that it comes into contact with each day.

Balance of Nutrients are the Dog Food Essentials

Cheaper dog food will cost you in the long run, with more visits to the vet, and a lack luster skin and coat for your best friend.  Your dog will suffer from gas, more issues with digestion, and clarity of thought.  The best dogs are shiny in the eyes, eat raw food when possible, and are given fish oil occasionally in addition to their holistic and healthy mineral rich food.

Watch out for by products, corn, meat meal, rice, potatoes, and fillers such as husks or unknown proteins.  Buy from America and Canada, and then you will be happy to know that there are some regulatory controls towards healthy food options for your best friend.  Do not feed dog food that has lots of preservatives, as it can sit on a shelf, and offer no vitamins or minerals.

And the best dog food essentials offer a well rounded life for you and your dog. Exercise daily, with playtime between you and your dog will be good for you both!  Your dog offers natural stress relief, and your dog will be running off steam too, by a daily walk, a ball toss, or a daily run at the beach.  Why are you sitting on the couch now?  Get out there and experience the joy of being with your dog, as dog food essentials begin with enjoying life as it happens.






Cooking with Chickens

Roasting or cooking chickens, can make great dog food, in a simple and easy way!  To do this, you will need two full sized chickens, and some time to roast them.

Here is a great recipe, that offers real nutrition, and can be a great way to add value to your dog’s daily nutrition.

Chicken Roasts for Dogs

2 Large Chickens, from 5 pounds to 8 pounds

2 cups of filtered water

2 garlic heads, peeled and separated

2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

2 cups of sweet potatoes, or 4 large sweet potatoes

2 bunches of carrots with stems, chopped, not skinned

2 yellow zucchini or squash, chopped into large pieces

2 spaghetti squash, whole

1 Bag of Frozen Green Beans, 1 pound

Heat oven to 325 degrees F.

Bake squash and sweet potato on a cookie sheet for 1 hour.  Remove and cut squash in half, remove any hard or husky pieces from the squash.

Take all the pieces out of the chicken, ie the glizzards paper, and neck etc.  Keep the gizzards and cook with chicken, but toss the chicken neck or any bones that have no meat attached.  Place chickens, and sweet potatoes in a large pan, and cover with the 2 cups of water.  Bake for 2 hours, or until all the chicken reaches a temp of 180 internal degrees. Once the sweet potatoes and the chicken is cooked, remove, and place chicken on a plate or cooking sheet to cool.


Meanwhile, take the remaining ingredients, and layer over the sweet potatoes and the water, and bake for 15 minutes.

While the veggies are softening and baking, with plastic food safe gloves, remove the bones completely from the chickens.  Be sure to get all the hard bones, as they are dangerous for your dog!

Then, once all the items are cooked, cool a bit, and push all the veggies, chicken and squash through the food mill.

All the water, and the herbs can be then joined into the big milled veggie/meat mix.   The milled mix is your final product, and can be then separated into containers, for freezing, and daily use.


This should take you around 4 hours from start to finish, but the food will be enough for 4 weeks, for a 30 pound dog.  Your dog will be dancing in the kitchen with you!